- From 1 December 2021, FSC products will be affected by an increase in the price to the public, due to higher raw material costs on the market. -

FIS simulator: heart of the national competition

FIS simulator: the heart of the national competition for students at Technical Institutes for Transport and Logistics - Aircraft operation

On the two days of Thursday 28 and Friday 29 April 2022, the National Competition for students of Technical Institutes for Transport and Logistics - Aircraft Handling took place at ITT "Marconi" in Padua. The historic institute in Padua, which had already won the first edition held in Rome in 2021, had the honour of organising the important school contest set up by the Ministry of Education. This year the contest was attended by participants from 11 schools from all over Italy (Bari, Milan, Rome, Trieste, Palermo, Trento ...) to test themselves in the competition using the FIS (Flight Information Service) simulator, the beating heart of the second day of competition.

The winner of the competition was Simone Contino from class 4E of the Technical Institute for Transport and Logistics FRANCESCO DE PINEDO (Rome).  

The competition started with the planning of a VFR flight over Venice with the compilation of PTV, ICAO FPL, aeronautical charts; it then continued with a multiple-choice quiz, a practical test of telephony and ended with a practical test of simulated piloting with the use of the Flight Simulator station (X Plane 11), available in the institute's Navigation Sciences laboratory.

FSC has been present in the school for many years with the Simulator for the training of Flight Information Service Operators (FISO) conceived and designed for the students of flight schools and specifically of Technical Institutes with "Transport & Logistics" (ex Aeronautical) address.

The FIS (Flight Information Service) simulator is designed to create a simulation area for the air traffic safety service, integrated with stations for piloting aircraft, reproducing all movements present, on approach and at the airport. This will enable students to acquire the necessary skills to manage all the aircraft operating on the manoeuvring area of an uncontrolled airport and to prepare themselves in the best possible way (especially in the practical test) for the FISO licence.

Link to some moments of the competition >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ3QZS8M9H8
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